self care

How To Take Care Of Yourself Post-Layoff

How To Take Care Of Yourself Post-Layoff

If you’ve been reading the news or your LinkedIn feed, you’ve likely seen the layoffs happening across the tech industry. Maybe you yourself have been impacted. Whether this is your first layoff or you’ve been a part of one before, the experience can be quite disheartening.

You go from having a full work day to hours on hours of open time. You had a group of colleagues you worked with daily and suddenly you’re no longer interacting with those folks on a regular basis. There are moments when your new found freedom feels amazing - and others when it’s absolutely brutal.

So how do you support yourself through it?

Below are some ways in which I’ve been taking care of myself throughout my own layoff journey. Hope you find them helpful too!

Taking Care Of Yourself In The Midst Of Uncertainty

Taking Care Of Yourself In The Midst Of Uncertainty

To say that things feel uncertain right now is an understatement.

We’re in the midst of a pandemic and trying to understand how we continue with our lives while staying home, what this all means for our economy, how we support one another, and how to parse through lots of mixed messages in the media. With many companies instituting work from home policies, universities moving classes to a virtual format, and restaurants closing, everyone is trying to adjust to a new “normal”.

We don’t know what will happen next and how long things will feel out of sorts, which is leading to lots of stress - the sort of stress that leads to people hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

It’s totally normal and natural to feel out of control right now given the level of uncertainty we all face. At the same time, there is also a lot in our control too.

Two Years Of Compass Maven

Two Years Of Compass Maven

It’s hard to believe, but Compass Maven is officially 2!

Time is a funny thing - it can feel fast and slow all at the same time. In some ways, it feels like setting this website “live” and sending out my first newsletter happened even more than 2 years ago. In other ways, it feels like yesterday.

What I'm Loving Lately: Summer Kickoff Edition

What I'm Loving Lately: Summer Kickoff Edition

Happy Summer friends!

Okay, maybe it's not technically summer yet, but Memorial Day Weekend always feels like the official kickoff to me. Parades, pools opening, warmer weather, frosé all day - you know, the signs that summer is coming!

In an effort to help you make this the best. summer. ever. for your personal and professional development, I've put together a list of the things that I'm LOVING right now!

September Is The New January

September Is The New January

Well, it's that time of year again, when we say so long to summer Fridays and trade in our bikinis and flip flops for toasty scarves and pumpkin spice lattes. We may get a few more warm days, but the weather is very noticeably changing. Have you seen how quickly it's getting dark in the evenings now?!

Beyond the obvious shift in weather, the changing of seasons brings a shift in energy as well.

Summer's energy is very carefree - all about doing things that bring us pleasure, whether that be travel, lying on the beach or impromptu outdoor dinner parties with friends. Fall's energy, however, is much more focused. Now that our summer plans have come to an end, our focus shifts to getting back to our normal lives and routines. That "back to school" vibe is in the air, and even if we're no longer in school ourselves, the energy is still around us.

For some of us, this transition can make us feel a bit sad - like we're saying goodbye to an old friend. However, I happen see it as an opportunity.

Give Yourself Permission

Give Yourself Permission

I've seen the phrase "Give yourself permission" a lot recently. From podcasts to social media posts, it's like it was a message I needed to hear. Give yourself permission. The synchronicity of it has not been lost on me and it's made me think about how much of our lives revolve around seekingpermission, rather than granting it to ourselves.

It started when we were kids: permission slips sent home so we could go on field trips, asking our teachers if we could use the restroom during class, asking if we could sit with someone at lunch. While these examples may seem small, they add up over time.

We've gotten so used to seeking permission from others that now, as adults, we often forget how to ask ourselves permission to do things. 

Why You Should Take A FAKE Sick Day

Why You Should Take A FAKE Sick Day

About a year ago I was working with my friend and health coach, Michelle Cady of FitVista, on a sort of health reboot. I was super overextended from working full time, going to coaching school at night, working on business ideas, being in a relationship, and generally trying to keep up with friends and maintain a social life. In the midst of all of that, I was trying to fit in exercise and eating healthy. I was on a vary obvious road to burnout (even if I couldn’t see it at the time).

The Art of Self-Love

The Art of Self-Love

Happy February beautiful babes! In honor of this month, I want to talk to you about love. Not the mushy Valentine’s Day love we're seeing in every store we walk into these days. I want to talk to you about self-love.

Self-love is one of the hardest, but arguably most important things to work for in one’s lifetime.