Two Years Of Compass Maven

It’s hard to believe, but Compass Maven is officially 2!

Time is a funny thing - it can feel fast and slow all at the same time. In some ways, it feels like setting this website “live” and sending out my first newsletter happened even more than 2 years ago. In other ways, it feels like yesterday.

While time can be a tough thing to understand, I know one thing for sure: I never could have predicted the journey my life would take over the past 2 years.

If you told me I’d be where I am today, I wouldn’t have believed you. Some things have stayed the same (my commitment to personal growth, to helping other women reconnect with their inner voice, to reshaping how we think about our careers and passions), while many things (a list too long to go into) have changed. All of it a learning and growing experience!

Thank you for being here, reading my content, sharing it with your friends, and working with me over the past 2 years! Entrepreneurship is invigorating and challenging all at once - and your support means so much to me! It’s been an exciting ride and I can’t wait to see what comes next!

To celebrate, I'm rounding up my favorite blog posts that I’ve written over the past 2 years.

It’s a new year and each of you have different goals or areas of your life you’re focusing on for 2019. No matter where you are in your journey right now, I hope there is something below that resonates with you.

my favorite blog posts from the past 2 years:

1. Do You Get the sunday scaries?

Do you spend your Sundays stressing about going to work on Monday morning? Then this post is for you!

2. Making Friends As an adult

Been searching for your tribe, but can’t seem to find it? Then Making Friends As An Adult is for you! (Bonus: You can also check out my interview on the Clarity on Fire podcast for more on this topic.)

3. What to do when you have a bad boss

Struggling with your boss’s management style? Give this post a read!

4. 9 things i wish someone had told me about my early 20s

Feeling lost in your 20s? Feeling like adulthood is harder than you expected? Here are some of my hard-earned lessons that I hope help shift your perspective about where you are on your journey.

5. how to handle crying at work

Are you a crier like me? Or ever find yourself suddenly crying at the office? Hopefully this post will make you feel better about it. (Spoiler: Ditch the shame! It’s okay!)

6. your career isn’t a straight line

Stressing about the direction of your career? Not sure what you want to come next? Give this post a read!

7. why i took a social media detox (and you should to)

Addicted to your phone? Feeling numb from constantly scrolling? Yeah, I hear you! Read this post to learn about my social media detox and the benefits of taking one.

8. 8 books to help you crush it in 2018

Missed this in 2018? Looking for book recs or inspiration for 2019? These books remain some of my favorites (even 1 year later)!