New Year, New Mantra

Happy New Year!

This time of year I’m usually writing about New Year’s resolutions or goal setting, but this year I’m thinking about things a little differently.

For the first time in a long time (perhaps in forever?), I don’t have any specific resolutions in mind for the new year. Sure, eating healthier, working out more, and getting more consistent with my meditation practice are on my mind, but those are on “the list” every year. They don’t feel new or particularly exciting at the moment. My mind has been more focused on my general sense of being and the vibe I want to set for 2019.

So this year rather than setting goals or resolutions, I’m focusing on New Year’s mantras: statements about how I want to approach 2019 and how I want to feel this year.

For example, in 2019, I really want to be present in the here and now. I want to show up each day and be open to new opportunities without thinking a thousand steps ahead. In the past, I’ve struggled with this as I’m a total planner, but in 2019, I’m feeling called to go with the flow a bit more. So one of my mantras for the year is Be present, be me, be open.

New Year’s mantras are all about cultivating a feeling or intention you want to live by for the year and giving yourself space to do so.

There is so much pressure this time of year to set New Year’s resolutions, but sometimes you just don’t feel like it. While the new year is a great time to refocus, it’s also a kind of arbitrary date. So if you’re not feeling like jumping on the resolution band wagon, that’s totally okay! You do you!

Instead of trying to fix things about yourself or create habits because you feel like you “should” (thanks a lot, social media!), creating a mantra for yourself for 2019 can be a great way to ride the new year’s energy in a way that feels more authentic to you.

In case you’re like me and not really feeling the whole resolution/goal setting thing this year, but want to create a new mantra to live by, I’ve made a pretty little print out so that you can write out your own New Year’s mantra. Hang it up on your bathroom mirror, next to your bed, or on your door so you’ll see it every time you leave for work.

Click the button below to download the printout and get to work on creating that awesome 2019 mantra of yours. Let me know how it goes!

Be well,


P.S. If you’re feeling the resolution/goal setting vibe this year, check out my blog post from last January with a downloadable goal setting exercise!

grab your new year’s mantra printout here!
